Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eating Blog: Here's a Flowchart to Help You

No wedding blog yet. It's being drafted so everyone just calm down. In the meantime, you all know how I feel about fast food. Well, I'm a vegetarian now, so alas my fast food eating has definitely decreased. Don't you worry though, you can still get a 7 layer burrito at Taco Bell. That shit is vegetarian, I googled it.

Thank God.

So, do you get really confused when it comes to making decisions? Would you rather have a chart when deciding the appropriate time to put 1,000 calories into your body? Do you live in Canada (yeah right)?

The fine folks at http://www.eatingtheroad.wordpress.com/ have done all the work for you! Just break out this chart the next time you're too drunk/hungover to make the call yourself. To be totally honest though, the lack of Whataburger on this chart is seriously disturbing. And where the F is Guthrie's? I don't think someone in Canada could even handle Guthries' special sauce. Oh man, I think this vegetarianism is starting to get to me. Last night I had a dream I ate a cheeseburger, and it was more satisfying than the dream about Taylor Lautner. I mean that's gross, he's totally too young. Ehem.