Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Twiharder Blog: Oh Wolfy!

Dear Summit films,

As you and I both know, TONS of people read my blog. So whenever you want to send me my publicity check in the mail that would be super. I mean, I'm just trying to help you guys out here.

   Yours truly,
   A Mediocre Blogger

I've spent a few posts on the vampires of the Twilight Saga, and frankly if you haven't seen my RPattz blog get on that shit. I've even spent some time on Taylor Lautner. But it's come to my attention that one of the wolfpack is seriously smokin hot and far be it for me to ignore such great talent. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you...Alex Meraz.

Here he is all wolfed up.

And naturally, just in case you want to pic your totally favorite wolfy!

Man, I hope sarcasm comes across on this blog.

Anyway, there's some hot man meat for you. Well, teenaged almost man meat. I think Taylor Lautner is dating that floozy Taylor Swift now. Come on Jacob, she's been through a Jonas Brother or two at this point, and I'm not buying that purity thing for a second. Next thing you know, you'll be raising baby Swift-Jonas and wondering where all your best werewolf years have gone. Take this from a girl who once dated Elijah Wood.

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