Friday, October 30, 2009

Rave Blog: Who Needs Glow Sticks?

Bro #1: Hey Bro! What are you doin' tonight? Yeah my boys and I are hittin that rave up in Lauderdale.
Bro#2: But Bro, you don't have a glow stick or anything. Dude, you don't even have one of those glow in the dark blow pops. You're an embarrassment to the rave community, boy. Not cool.
Bro#1: Oh no you didn't Bro, you fucking asked for it. Yo! Tiny Balls, hit the lights.


*Bro#2 sobs at the beauty*

Glow sticks are a thing of the past. It's called technology suckas. Diesel has created a line of clothing for even the most hardcore ravin' douche. They glow in the dark and that's all good, but blog readers, I would like you to look at the phrase on the t-shirt. "Unisex is the fourth sex." and don't you forget it. Learn up my students. They don't call me teacher for nothing.

Before you even ask Kyle, here's the link to buy up these bad boys. And Kristi, well I think you know who to pass this link on to. Don't worry ladies, they've got glow in the dark jeans too.

I can already hear "Sandstorm." Someone fetch me my glow in the dark sports bra! It's about to go down.

1 comment:

  1. HEY! I may be a loser, have bad taste in clothing, smell, and look like garbage... But I am NOT a bro!
