Sunday, December 13, 2009

Panda Blog: Yep, Still Trying to Save Them

Panda style?

According to the Associated Press, Australian and Chinese officials are attempting to get a pair of bamboo-munching (innuendo?) pandas to make some baby pandas (adorable!). If you saw my last panda blog, you know I'm definitely on board for panda procreation. They're cute, and there needs to be enough pandas to end the war in Iraq. You know, because their fuzzy exterior is bulletproof. Not that anyone would have the GALL to shoot a panda anyway.

OK, I'm reading the article and I don't see any mention of alcohol, rufies, or R. Kelly so I'm not sure how Australia/China are going to pull this off. Maybe there will be some sort of romantic spaghetti dinner involved. Usually, I would take this opportunity to tell these officials how to do their jobs, but I'm currently eating Doritos for dinner while sitting alone with only facebook chat and a Coke to console me. Seriously you guys, I'm doing really great.

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