Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Bet Your Sweet Ass It's Twihard Tuesday

Oh wow...yeah that's a really cool tattoo...*throws up*

I think we've all seen our share of ridiculous tattoos. I know I have. It's pretty awkward to say the least when your friend shows you their "awesome new" tribal tattoo. Uncomfortably you reply, "Oh wow, that's TOTALLY what I would get if I ever got a tattoo.” But as bad as that seems, pray to god you never meet any of these imbeciles. I love these books to the point where I write blogs about statutory rape, but never in a million years would this be okay. 

Did you hear what I said? Statutory rape is less creepy than this tattoo.

The calf...THE CALF! Cool, you've now doomed yourself to wearing pants for the rest of your life for a tattoo of floating hands holding an apple. I hope you're okay being alone because you will NOT find a husband or boyfriend or even a lonely homeless guy with that on your leg. Don't believe me? Ok fine, you asked for it calf tattoo. One night you'll have had a few too many, meet a nice ex-wall street millionaire living on the streets. You'll think to yourself  "I've been pretty unlucky in love lately; maybe this one could finally work out." You'll buy him some Boone's Farm (the blue one of course) at the corner store and you guys will find a nice park bench to snuggle up on. Then things get hot and heavy and he lifts up your right pant leg. He'll stop, take a large swig of Boone's and say "Ya know, you're a really nice girl and everything, but I think we should just be friends." Did that hurt calf tattoo? Are you happy now? Because Robert Pattinson is never gonna love you.

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