Thursday, January 21, 2010

Date Blog: Yeah...I'm Still Doing This

Alrighty, the date is set, the place is set, and I got rid of Tom Selleck. I just have one more thing to deal with.

What the fuck am I going to wear to this thing?

Well, assuming clothes are not optional at Mercury Cafe (yeah, go ahead and laugh, but if you've been to "The Merc" you know it's completely possible clothing could be optional. They have slam poetry and a tiger on the wall) I'll need a sweet outfit to distract my "date" from the lame/racist/dirty/shark jokes I'm going to be nervously spouting all night.

So what's the best way to distract? Dress? Jeans? Rack (that counts right?)?  This is where you come in readers. It's called being interactive. I can't make date decisions alone!

Also, Shelbfest informed me yesterday that a dude in NYC wanted to date me just based on reading my blog. Yeah, that's right. Next stop... Pulitzer.

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