Friday, January 22, 2010

Concert Blog: I'm So In the Know

If you read my friend Flynn's blog (and you should because she's funny as hell. That's why we're friends, we stroke each others egos. Ehem) you may have seen her post about a sweet ass Denver band called Snake Rattle Rattle Snake. Well, tonight's their EP release party and I'm going to that shit. Truthfully, I'm not really that in the know. I just happen to have cooler friends that are nice enough to invite me to these things. Other things that I get invited to include massive lesbian dance parties. It was awesome, but that's for another post.

I was going to put a video up, but here's the thing. I'm terrified of snakes. Especially rattle snakes. When you google or you tube the band Snake Rattle Rattle Snake you get alot of scary pictures/videos of gigantic rattle snakes lunging for your jugular. Those mother fuckers will kill the face.

So you're not getting a video. I just barely stopped crying long enough to write this. The fact that I simultaneously hate rattle snakes and love this bad is turning into a real conflict. Thanks alot, snakes. Maybe you can take away ice cream from me too, or maybe Ryan Reynolds! You jerks!

1 comment:

  1. i stroke your ego in my next post! not in that way, that's gross as hell.
