Friday, August 26, 2011

Unemployment Blog: There Will Probably Be A Lot of These

"Oh, it's going to be fine. It will give me more time to write."

That's what I told my mother while explaining that it's no big deal that her 30 year old daughter is now unemployed. Turns out there's nothing scarier than having no money and THAT is not conducive to letting the creative juices flow.

By the way, if you're wondering why there wasn't an I can't believe I'm 30 blog post, there are a few reasons. 1. It's lame. 2. I spent that birthday in Las Vegas 3. If I put that weekend in print I'd never work in this town again!

So sure, when you're unemployed you spend a ton of time applying for jobs, looking for jobs, emailing people about jobs, and just googling in general (google celebrities in leather vests, it's amusing). But what you probably don't know about unemployment is the embarrassing amount of bad movies you're going to watch. I watched a movie called Princess Protection Program, The Last Song, and The Bodyguard within a 36 hour period. Pepper in a few more romantic comedies here and there and you've pretty much mapped out my life.

Actually, The Bodyguard is awesome. My apologies to Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. You deserve more from me. I could quote that movie all day and I will.

I've also got Jurassic Park on my DVR so yeah I rule...hard.

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