Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twiharder Blog: Clever Girl

You have to say the title with an austrailian accent or it doesn't work. Trust me.

Thanks to my twihard lovin' compadre Flynn for sending me this. I'll have to send her one of those naked ecards of Robert Pattinson. Yeah I know those don't exist, truth be told it was just going to be a naked picture of me with his face taped over mine. I don't know why you had to ruin it. She would've never known. And just for the record, I just purchased some grape leaves so it would've been really tasteful.

The above photo (no doubt taken on the set in Washington for I'm sure it's real) brings up an important question. Who would win in a battle to the death between a vampire and a velociraptor? TRICK QUESTION! They impregnant each other and Bella ends up alone.

1 comment:

  1. fact: i received that card. fact: it's taped on my fridge right now.
