Wednesday, December 23, 2009

JTT Blog: It's a Christmas Miracle!

Last night I spent a lovely evening with my mother watching cheezy Hallmark Christmas movies (if you must know, yes, it does exacerbate the fact that I'm empty inside). Anyway, the most amazing thing happened! A preview for the Friday Night Hallmark Christmas movie came on and guess what?!!!!


It's not recent, but don't you worry, he's super hot in it. For the fellas, it also stars a young Jessica Biel. It's from 1998, when I was 13. Shut up you.

Upon recieving this wonderful news, my first thought naturally was that I still totally had a chance with JTT.

My reasons were:

1) I love him
2) He's adorable
3) There's no way he isn't still hot
4) He's not gay
5) Somehow, after all these years, he still senses that I'm the one

My mother almost immediately crushed my hopes and dreams by telling me there's absolutely no way JTT will ever fall in love with me. Then she made me a cup of whiskey and tea. She always makes that for me when I get fussy.

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