Monday, June 28, 2010

Inspiration Blog: Okay I Won't Be Lazy Anymore

I've been lacking a lot of inspiration blog readers. Also, I'm lazy and didn't feel like writing. I can't just give it up when ever you want, okay! I'm not that kind of girl. But then I got the kick in the pants I needed. No, it has nothing to do with actually being inspired to write, but more because I got called out on facebook and like some circus monkey I yielded to my adoring public. Don't worry every single one is related to me.

Well, it's that time of year again! Summertime! I'm headed down south to the land of palm trees, old people, and T.G.I.Fridays. That's where I come from. And, yes, Kenny Chesney ripped off my song idea. Douche.

So to celebrate my impending vacation. I'm going to show one of the greatest movie scenes of all time.

And that was the rap song "Top That" from the movie Teen Witch. You're Welcome


  1. UP, don't get all worked up because they're hot and you're not. Not everyone can pull off a lime green tank top.

    BTW. NO ONE click on those little dots! what?

  2. I didn't even dress like that (nor want to) in the '80s when it was "cool"!
